Hometurf Liquid Aeration

The Ultimate Guide to Hometurf’s Programs

Hometurf’s lawn care programs play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy and vibrant lawn. Our programs provide regular treatments, such as fertilization, weed control, and aeration, which promote root development, improve soil quality, and enhance overall lawn health. A well-maintained lawn not only adds aesthetic appeal to your home but also increases its value.  

To ensure that your lawn remains healthy, green, and lush throughout the year shop Hometurf’s award winning programs. 

Our Programs

The Deluxe Program (includes 5 scheduled visits)

Season Long Fertilization 

To maintain a healthy and attractive lawn, a well-balanced fertilizer program is crucial. Hometurf’s premium slow-release granular fertilizer provides your lawn with the necessary nutrients throughout the season, ensuring that it remains healthy and vibrant. The slow-release fertilizer formula enables sustained feeding, resulting in a lush, green lawn that is resilient to drought and lawn diseases. 

Season Long Weed Control 

Hometurf’s selective weed control treatment is highly efficient in eradicating broadleaf weeds. Our skilled technicians apply multifaceted treatments in the spring, summer, and fall, specifically targeting broadleaf weeds while safeguarding the surrounding turfgrass. This careful approach ensures that your lawn remains healthy, free of weeds, and maintains its pristine appearance. 

Lawn Analysis with Every Visit 

After each visit, we conduct a thorough analysis of your lawn’s condition to track its progress throughout the season. Our skilled technicians monitor thatch levels, identify any disease or insect issues, and offer watering and mowing recommendations to assist you in maintaining a beautiful lawn between visits.  

Hometurf Clipboard Tech

The Complete Program (includes 6 scheduled visits) 

The complete program includes all the services in the deluxe program plus the following:  

Surface Insect Control 

Our technicians meticulously monitor your lawn throughout the season for any signs of insect damage and apply treatments only as necessary. This approach ensures effective control of surface insects while protecting your lawn from damage throughout the season. 


Enhance the overall health of your soil with long-lasting benefits by opting for Hometurf’s aeration service. Our service helps to minimize thatch, enhance nutrient and moisture uptake, and ultimately strengthen your lawn’s ability to withstand environmental pressures. Aeration is crucial in revitalizing your lawn after a long winter, as it allows your lawn to receive the air, water, and nutrients it needs to replenish and thrive. 

Free! Over-seeding Upgrade 

Revitalize your lawn by repairing bare spots and enhancing its density with Hometurf’s Premium Overseeding service. Our unique blend of Premium Grass Seed is carefully spread over your lawn, resulting in a lush, thick turf that not only looks great but also provides protection against unwanted weeds. 

Hometurf Grass Seed

The Ambassador Program (includes 6 scheduled visits) 

The ambassador program includes all the services included in the complete program plus the following: 

Granular Compost and Seed Application 

Hometurf’s Granular Compost and Seed Mix is the ultimate solution for lawn rejuvenation! Our compost mixture is evenly spread over your lawn to enhance soil quality and seed germination, making it ideal for lawns that need an extra boost due to poor soil conditions.  

Four Free 1 kg Seed Bags 

Hometurf exclusively uses 100% certified premium Canada Grade A mixtures for our grass seed. Through an intensive research process, we ensure that only the best seed is selected to guarantee weed-free and thicker turf, even in high traffic and shaded areas. 

Spring add-ons 

Lawn needs vary from one property to another. For those lawns that require a little extra TLC, Hometurf offers a variety of additional services that you can add to any of our programs. 

Our spring add-ons are specifically designed to help replenish your lawn’s roots and soil with the essential nutrients needed to rebound from winter and thrive during the active growing season. These products are also designed to help create a barrier from common pests that emerge in the late spring and early summer. 

Crabgrass Control 

Crabgrass is a prevalent weed that can invade lawns each season, often found growing alongside driveways and sidewalks. If left unattended, it can rapidly grow, especially in hot and arid weather. To curb this issue, Hometurf’s pre-emergent solution, when used in the spring, has been shown to hinder the germination of crabgrass and may also decrease the occurrence of dandelions. 

Soil Rejuvenator 

Hometurf’s Soil Rejuvenator is a superior blend of organic fertilizer, turfgrass seed, and BioChar, a distinct carbon-based substance that enhances soil composition for improved seed sprouting, nutrient preservation, and moisture retention. By using it in the early spring, your lawn can recover quickly from the harshness of Canadian winters, while also strengthening the roots for better heat and drought resistance in the summer. 


Hometurf’s aeration service can enhance the general well-being of your soil for a prolonged period. This service helps to decrease thatch, enhance the absorption of nutrients and moisture, and ultimately strengthens your lawn’s resilience to environmental pressures. It is essential to allow your lawn to rejuvenate after a harsh winter, and aeration offers many advantages by providing your lawn with the air, water, and nutrients it requires to replenish itself. 

Granular Compost and Seed 

Hometurf’s Granular Compost and Seed Mix is the best way to rejuvenate a tired lawn! When applied evenly, this compost blend enhances soil quality and promotes seed sprouting, making it perfect for lawns that require assistance in filling out due to poor soil conditions. 

Weed Control for Paths, Patios, and Driveways 

Hometurf’s Weed Control for Paths, Patios, and Driveways is the ideal solution for rejuvenating the lush appearance of your home’s exterior. This non-selective treatment eliminates unsightly weeds that grow in interlocking patios, driveways, and stonework. It effectively controls both broadleaf weeds and troublesome grasses like crabgrass and quackgrass. 

Hometurf Lawn Treated

Scheduling your 2023 Hometurf lawn care services is as easy as: 

Calling us at 1-888-791-8873,  Entering your property address at https://hometurf.ca or  Emailing us at [email protected]   

Our friendly and knowledgeable client service members and technicians are ready to help!